Thursday, June 28, 2007

hey guys...took sort of a holiday from blogging..hahaha so now anw sch so far is a couple of new teachers. cassie chong or however you spell shes seriously a cold hard bitch wtf man 1st day of sch wah bitchiness meter is like what.over the limit man!!=)then got this new math teacher lim eng choo...from the looks of it i dont think she can teach for nuts but oh well, anybody beats kok hahahahah so yeah nothing much happened these few days!except for today..prepared for the carnival..stayed in sch till like 6 plus..but still din manage to finish yeaah waited for dad to come and pick me..hahaha yeah talked with joel and gabriel at the bus yeah nothing much happened larh..will try to update more often.oh yeah those out there...please try to come for the acs carnival this sat at barker road acs campus!hahahah seems like im doing free advertisement for them eng chin made me sell 100 bucks worth of carnival tickets to man....anw guys out there just try to come man!and heres a photo i took with melvin michael gabriel so till the next post..!
i guess im starting to fall in love
with you
infatuation or whatever it may seem
i just cant stop thinking bout you
age may be a barrier
but i just cant take my eyes off you, girl
Labels: carnival
Emo. is Me
6:20 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
"Fall Back Into My Life"
-Amber Pacific
I know it's not enough to say I'm wrong
You know that I will miss you now you're gone
I know it's not your life to see this through
Just know that in my heart, it beats for you
So leave a little note for me behind
I swear I have to know the reasons why
This won't survive
But if you fall back into my life
I'd spend every night waking up to the beat I hear inside
Telling me to be your only one
But if you fall back into my life
I promise you I would never let another day just pass us by
I could never leave this world undone
I want to be your only one
And now it's not the same with you away
Just holding onto hope to save my days
I won't survive
So just stay with me tonight, and try
But if you fall back into my life
I'd spend every night waking up to the beat I hear inside
Telling me to be your only one
But if you fall back into my life
I promise you I would never let another day just pass us by
I could never leave this war unsung
I want to be your only one
But if you fall back into my life
I'd spend every night waking up to the beat I hear inside
Telling me to be your only one
But if you fall back into my life
I promise you I would never let another day just pass us by
I could never leave this world undone
I could never leave this war unsung
I want to be your only one
hey guys! so today i felt like blogging so here it is..well today woke up at like 745 cause we needed to go church. so got ready and left the house at like 845.reached church and realised i was playing for the sports carnival next week at st and the worst part is im not playing in teng-a-leng(stefan) and naville's team..aaaah dammit.playing with gavin, aaron, jj,chai, jambu..and all larh..shit man then joel mattias our keeper hahahaha anw..served mass and iggy dint feel during gerard brought him to the sacristy..dam he told me he felt like fainting..which kinda sucks.anw mass was done and we headed for lunch at east coast..the prawn noodle owned shit man..hahahaha anw after lunch we headed to gramps house sat on the massage chair that they had just gotten from grand aunt and soon fell asleep..hahahah slept for like 2h before waking up and then calling brandon..and he told me he'd be back in 25mins i stoned and played my handphone game before receiving his message..with that i headed down to his place with my bro.hahaha it was good seeing him..darn long neh see him we chatted..told him my future plans and told him to work hard with me!i really wanna get into a better sch would be so much easier that way! anw we talked and played some soccer..hahaha told him to work hard and do well for EOY so we could hopefully make it to a better after like 1h he had to go we went our seperate ways and i walked back to gramps house.hahha since they were all out me and my bro sat at the swing and stoned for about 5 mins before they came for us..then we left and headed for lunch at fish porridge owned shit too!hahahahah so after that we headed home and we walked the night market and bought durian!hahahah durian owns all the fruits..guys which dont like dunno what you all are missing man!so after buying we headed home showered and yeah! so that was kinda my day..was okay larh..enjoyed seeing brandon..hadn't seen him in a long long time man..and it sucks when you dont go out with him too!so i guess thats it yeah?so look forward to the next post!
Labels: brandon, fall back into my life
Emo. is Me
6:37 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I found the cure to growing older
And you're the only place that feels like home
Just so you know, you'll never know
And some secrets were meant to be told
I found the cure to growing older
I'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends
And I am sorry my conscience called in sick again
And I've got arrogance down to a science
Oh, and I'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends now
Douse yourself in cheap perfume it's
So fitting, So fitting of the way you are
can't cover it up, can't cover it up
So douse yourself in cheap perfume it's
So, so fitting, so fitting of the way you are
can't cover it up, can't cover it up, no
Find a safe place, brace yourself, bite your lip
I'm sending your fingernails and empty bottles you've sipped
Back to your family 'cause I know you will be missed
So you can find a safe place, brace yourself
They call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone
But for what we've become, we just feel more alone
Always weigh what I've got against what I left.
So progress report: I am missing you to death
Douse yourself in cheap perfume it's
So fitting, So fitting of the way you are
can't cover it up, can't cover it up
So douse yourself in cheap perfume it's
So, so fitting, so fitting of the way you are
can't cover it up, can't cover it up, no......
Someone old
No one new
Feeling borrowed
Always blue
Someone old
No one new
Feeling borrowed
Always blue
Someone old
No one new
Feeling borrowed
Always blue
Someone old
No one new
Always borrowed
Always you
I've found the cure to growing older
I've found the cure to growing older
Douse yourself in cheap perfume it's
So fitting, So fitting of the way you are
can't cover it up, can't cover it up
So douse yourself in cheap perfume it's
So, so fitting, so fitting of the way you are
can't cover it up, can't cover it up
hey guys today was kinda fun larh i went out with jem and maria hahaha a pity yong da and bdon n all couldn't come..anw woke up at 730 showered and got ready cause maria was coming over at 830 so yeah he came, we slacked used to comp and all...then headed to mrt station to get some food for mum..then we came back and slacked again, but soon had to leave to meet jem..took a cab down to peninsula plaza from there we went to check out the jamming centre but it was we phoned the owner but he said would only be able to come at 1 so we decided to head to the lan..hahaha it was the shit man!had lots of fun played dota and fifa 07 as well as cs hahahahaha well after that went to jam for an hour!it was kinda screwed up cos we din really prepare much..then after that we went for lunch at kfc!din really wanna go there but since today was maria's birthday just follow him only lah...hahahaha from there we took a bus to plaza sing and played some arcade man!hahahah was fun then wanted to meet courtney..but couldn't cuz she had to leave..which sucked.from there we all played more arcade then sent maria he had to leave so early today lah...baskit then me n jem took a train down to orchard from there i returned some money which i owed to my grand-aunt..then we slacked at mac's for a drink.we were friggin thirsty larh.ahaha then we walked to shaw and guess who we saw..melvin and bernard!(okay that sucked)then they brought us to see louisa and her almost couldn't recognise her with her rebonded so from there me and jem said bye to bernard and melvin and left for the we were talking about how "lucky" we were today man..hahahaha theen we took a 700 and i dropped at newton..then took a train back home..hahaha then helped mum with the mopping of the floors!then did some physical and now here i am typing this!hahaha well i guess today was kinda fun!!once again...
once again i really thank you maria, for being there for me when i'm share the joy and to make me laugh!i really thank God for having a friend in you and i also pray that as the days go by, may we bond and become closer together with jem, yong en, westcott, bdon and the rest of the gang man!thanks for being my friend pal!!
Emo. is Me
6:57 AM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
hey guys! finally decided to blog again..!yeah so kinda revived my holidays suck when you just cant go out..kinda booring!anw tommorow is jace's birthday and should be going out with him and jeremy..maybe a few more people might come!..hahaha well i guess thats what i'll be looking forward to..oh yeah i forgot to say!my handphone got soaked in the washing machine and i will be getting a new one today!mum nearly killed me over that..hahaha yeah was darn careless later will be meeting mum in town and i guess we'll have dinner with my brothers and dad..hopefully we'll get my
phone after that..hahahah!!so yeah. you guys should really check out this song:
parallel worlds by elliot minor..its just so nice!the tune is nice and everything yeah so in the process of learning it!hah the only prob is the solo i guess..but i heard from melvin we're not playing in the carnival..ahah so yeah...i seriously wanna go out with more people soon!hah holidays are passing by real fast!oh yeah by the way!mum said she'll get me a laptop hahaha man thats so friggin cool!hahaha cant wait for it to come!well i guess i'll just stop here for today!and hopefully you'll see my next post soon!hopefully tommorow..hahahaha
Emo. is Me
12:09 AM